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How Carlsbad Plans To Become An Age-Friendly Community

by | Oct 12, 2021 | Uncategorized

While some communities may make it harder for elderly residents to participate, Carlsbad, New Mexico offers a new solution.

Their Age-Friendly Action Plan plans to change the way the community works, which now includes ideas that make it more accessible and inviting for senior citizens.

Job and mental health assistance

According to the AARP, part of the city’s new plan is to allocate resources to host two job fairs for anyone interested. Before, many older citizens wished to work but would not know exactly where to go to look for job postings.

Connecting older veterans with mental health resources, such as retreats and talks, is another part of this plan. This is good news for veterans that may struggle with depression or PTSD but do not know where to turn for help.

New park layouts

Trying to play with your grandchildren while outside may come as a struggle when there are no benches or handicap-accessible areas for elderly citizens. The new playgrounds around the city are now more usable than ever, with special equipment and entryways meant to encourage family members of all ages to enjoy a day out together.

Now, older people get the social benefits of spending time with their more active grandkids, while also staying safe in the shade.

Better public transportation

Taking an overly confusing transit system and simplifying it enough for all ages is another important aspect of the city’s plans. Making sure to put a route for the senior centers on the maps near the buses helps anyone trying to travel around the city.

This community taking the time to reflect and improve on what people of different ages need is helping its older citizens in many unique ways.