If you have an elderly loved one in your family, you probably love to hear stories about the good old days. Still, as individuals age, they often lose the ability to speak clearly or at all. As a caring person, you may be looking for ways to continue to communicate....
Over $1 Billion Recovered In Mass Torts, Class Actions, Nursing Home & Personal Injury Claims
Month: December 2021
Do Nursing Home Star Ratings Matter?
A report card with high marks means that a student is performing well. A star rating system may provide the same concept for judging how well nursing homes service their patients. However, when the stars come from the general public, do they mean the same thing? While...
What Treatment Options Are Available For Bedsores?
Pressure ulcers - more commonly known as bedsores - are a major problem among individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle, especially for health reasons. This issue plagues the elderly in particular, but they can affect anyone bedridden or using a wheelchair in the...
Can Nursing Home Staff Face Criminal Charges For Abusing Residents?
When a family leaves a loved one in the care of a nursing home, it is often one of the most difficult decisions they make. Many families do not wish to do this, but simply do not have the time, resources or skills to give an aging family member the treatment they need...
What are the 4 stages of bedsores?
When you have a loved one in a nursing home or assisted living facility, you expect them to receive high-quality care. You also expect that staff will keep them safe from preventable medical issues. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, bedsores can cause major health...